The Next Internet Millionaire is an online reality show hosted by Joel Comm and written and directed by Eric Holmlund. Billed as the world’s first Internet reality show and based on the popular NBC show The Apprentice, the program was broadcast entirely on the Internet in 2007.
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The show brought together twelve aspiring Internet marketers who were coached by leading Internet marketing experts then set a series of tasks to complete. These included creating a blog and writing a post within an hour; selling a home in 30 days or less; and conceiving a product launch with a $10,000 budget. The featured coaches included Mark Joyner, Armand Morin and Jeff Walker. The show was eventually won by Jaime Luchuck, who produced a book entitled “From Cubicle Slave to the Next Internet Millionaire.” The book describes the marketing strategies and techniques she learned on the show and was promoted with over $10,000 worth of bonus free gifts.
The show was made available for free on the Internet through YouTube, Revver and a number of websites. Viewers could also download episodes and watch them offline. A box set of the show’s DVD’s is now available at bookstores.
The show was marked by production values that were higher than those usually found on Internet-based shows. Executive Producer Joel Comm refused to put an exact figure figure on the costs but did indicate that the series cost more than 400,000[1]. Joel Comm has stated that part of the goal of The Next Internet Millionaire was to prove that it was possible to produce a real television-style show and distribute it online, bypassing the television studio system. He told the Denver Post: "Reality TV is huge, and online video is gaining momentum. My goal is to prove that Internet (video) is ready for prime time."[2] The show was sponsored by computer businesses such as security firm McAfee, as well a number of local firms.[3]
Elimination Chart | |||||||||||||||
Candidate | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | ||
Jaime | WIN | IN | IN | IN | SAFE | IN | SAFE | SAFE | WIN | WIN | WIN | SAFE | WINNER | ||
Charles | IN | SAFE | WIN | WIN | WIN | WIN | SAFE | IN | WIN | WIN | IN | SAFE | RUNNER-UP | ||
Thor | IN | WIN | WIN | WIN | WIN | WIN | SAFE | WIN | SAFE | IN | OUT | ||||
Jason M. | SAFE | IN | IN | IN | WIN | WIN | SAFE | WIN | IN | OUT | |||||
Alisande | WIN | IN | IN | SAFE | WIN | WIN | SAFE | WIN | OUT | ||||||
Nico | IN | WIN | SAFE | WIN | IN | SAFE | SAFE | OUT | |||||||
Laura | WIN | IN | IN | IN | IN | OUT | |||||||||
Christine | IN | WIN | WIN | WIN | OUT | ||||||||||
Jason H. | WIN | IN | IN | OUT | |||||||||||
Steve | WIN | IN | OUT | ||||||||||||
Debbie | IN | WIN | OUT | ||||||||||||
Carly | IN | WIN | OUT |